Be a better father for my two years old son


For many parents, the 2-year-old milestone is really one of the last big checkpoints before their child begins to be regularly monitored by other adults during the workday. It may make the developmental milestone at age two feel immensely important. Still, it's important to remember that just like the 18-month milestone, or any milestone up to this point for that matter, each child will be gaining abilities at their own pace. And on their own orders.

Be a better father

At two years of age, developmental milestones are even less focused on specific abilities and more focused on behaviors representing a range of cognitive and physical achievements. So instead of worrying if your two-year-old can walk confidently, run, say simple sentences, or fill and empty buckets, parents want to see their child holistically. For that, there are two big qualities that parents should look for in a two-year-old child: lots of movement and lots of independence.

What to expect

2-Year Development Milestone # 1: Your Child Moves

By this time, you may find that the new abilities your child has acquired are a little blessing and a curse. There is no other time it is truer than when your child develops the full abilities. Sure, it's great to see them playing on the abandoned playground, but the slides, steps, and climbs are now a test on your parents' nerves. However, if you want to get a good idea of if your child is developing the way he should be, a playground is a great place to take it. And by playing more with your kid, you can be a better father.

Two-year-olds must be able to walk, run and jump. They need to be able to climb stairs and slide down slides. You will also want to see if your child can kick the ball or fill and empty the container. If there is a theme here, there are many abilities you would like to see in your child that can be observed and honed outdoors. Frankly, the outside is a good place to be with them if the opportunity arises.

Things to notice

Red Flag: Children who cannot walk by two people may have developmental problems that need to be addressed immediately. You also want to talk to the pediatrician if your child has an uneven gait or can only walk on tiptoes.

What You Don't Need To Worry About: Some 2-year-olds are very cautious. But you don't need to take it as a sign of a delay in development. A child who has no space to run may not feel confident about doing so. A child who hasn't seen the ladder may refuse to get to the top of the slide. Remember that many of these abilities require practice. Please keep them in context with your child's experiences to date, and make sure you give them time to play and develop the skills they need. And it will make you a be a better father.

Development milestone

2-Year Development Milestone # 2: Your Child is Independent

Independence is a broad characteristic, but it is associated with many 2-year developmental abilities. A child who develops independence is on the right path. There is no need to order them. Find out more about this topic in

Like the ability to keep on moving, freedom carries its own drawbacks. An independent child will begin to develop their own opinion. Because of this, they may not want to do what you want to do. So you should expect to hear the word "no." In fact, you may even hear it a lot. That said, there are a ton of cognitive abilities displayed in the word "no." When your child says no, it means they have heard and understood your request. They have the cognitive ability to weigh your requests against their own wants and communicate their intentions. Be a better father is not an easy thing, believe me.

Still, it's nice not to have to live with a scrappy person all the time. And your two years old should also be able to follow directions. They must be able to point to familiar objects when they are named, and they must be able to imitate words and engage in pretend play.

Red Flag: Two-year-olds should use two-word sentences, but if a child communicates easily in other ways than talking, this can be a tricky problem. If you feel that a lack of language affects your child's life, you should talk to the pediatrician. And parents should not confuse independence with complete neglect. A child who is disconnected from their parents - not imitating them or engaging with them - may be affected by the cognitive delay. And it does not make you be a better father.

No need to worry about these things

What You Don't Have To Worry: Two-year resistance is part of the parenting game and will

Current rating: 4.5



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