
I give an attempt to explain the full picture of world phenomena regarding several topics. 

We can start from crisis, where some researchers divide them into economic and financial crises. 

And then we can continue to the specific type of financial crisis. And who knows, that economic crisis topic might also be interesting! 


What is it?

What is economic crisis

Economic crises are different then financial crises, you sure? lets see what is it  
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Category of economic crises

How to prepare panel data in Stata

Economic crises come in different type of form and how to see it differently . 
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How to deal with unbalanced panel data

One of the biggest pains in the research test is if it has unbalanced data. Unbalance data means That the data for each variable or time is unequal. It can create errors, such as biased results and anomalies. Therefore in this preset, I will show how to deal with it.  
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How to use if expression in Stata

If expression is one of the strongest expressions in programming or coding. This if expression can also be used to deal with specific criteria we want to find. Find how to use the if expression in Stata. 
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What is financial crisis?

Being resilient is one of the trademarks of Emerging economies during the Global Financial crisis. Emerging economies have shown their strength by keeping positive GDP growth and can converge the GDP growth trajectories to the pre-crisis rate. Find out also how and why in the article. 
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What is currency crises

There are three things about currency crises, the first to generation concept . 
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Traveling with kids

Carpe diem - we work for travel or travel to work, the question as old as work for eating or otherwise. Well, work needs travel to boost and have a relaxed moment. Just to be more productive. Check our recommendation about places to visit for your energy boost.
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We are the citizens of the world. However, we also come from and raise in a different country. Every nation has its uniqueness, and as Dwight Howard said, we live for learning. Therefore it is better to learn and get some advantage for knowing the countries in the world that we living.
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Carpe diem - we work for travel or travel to work, the question as old as work for eating or otherwise. Well, work needs travel to boost and have a relaxed moment. Just to be more productive. Check our recommendation about places to visit for your energy boost.
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Do what excited you

We are the citizens of the world. However, we also come from and raise in a different country. Every nation has its uniqueness, and as Dwight Howard said, we live for learning. Therefore it is better to learn and get some advantage for knowing the countries in the world that we are living.
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Economic tips

Carpe diem - we work for travel or travel to work, the question as old as work for eating or otherwise. Well, work needs travel to boost and have a relaxed moment. Just to be more productive. Check our recommendation about places to visit for your energy boost.
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Meaning of 45 degree in economics chart

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The **45-degree line** in economics and geometry refers to a line where the values on the x-axis and y-axis are equal at every point. It typically has a slope of 1, meaning that for every unit increase along the horizontal axis (x), there is an equal unit increase along the vertical axis (y). Here are a couple of contexts where the 45-degree line is significant:

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3 weeks ago

hyperinflation in hungary

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The **hyperinflation in Hungary** in the aftermath of World War II (1945–1946) is considered the worst case of hyperinflation in recorded history. The reasons behind this extreme economic event are numerous, involving a combination of war-related devastation, political instability, massive fiscal imbalances, and mismanagement of monetary policy. Here's an in-depth look at the primary causes:

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4 weeks ago

what is neutrailty of money

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**Neutrality of money** is a concept in economics that suggests changes in the **money supply** only affect **nominal variables** (like prices, wages, and exchange rates) and have **no effect on real variables** (like real GDP, employment, or real consumption) in the **long run**.

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4 weeks ago

Japan deflationary phenomenon

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Deflation in Japan, which has persisted over several decades since the early 1990s, is a complex economic phenomenon. It has been influenced by a combination of structural, demographic, monetary, and fiscal factors. Here are the key reasons why deflation occurred and persisted in Japan:

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4 weeks ago

What the tips against inflation

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Hedging against inflation involves taking financial or investment actions designed to protect the purchasing power of money in the face of rising prices. Inflation erodes the value of currency over time, so investors seek assets or strategies that tend to increase in value or generate returns that outpace inflation. Below are several ways to hedge against inflation:

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4 weeks ago

Long and short run philip curve

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The **Phillips Curve** illustrates the relationship between inflation and unemployment, and how this relationship differs in the **short run** and the **long run**. Over time, economists have modified the original Phillips Curve framework to reflect more nuanced understandings of inflation and unemployment dynamics.

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4 weeks ago

How the government deal with inflation (monetary and fiscal) policies

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Dealing with inflation requires a combination of **fiscal and monetary policy** tools. Policymakers adjust these tools depending on the nature of inflation—whether it's **demand-pull** (inflation caused by excessive demand in the economy) or **cost-push** (inflation caused by rising production costs). Below are key approaches to controlling inflation through fiscal and monetary policy.

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4 weeks ago

Understand inflation from IS LM curve

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The IS-LM (Investment-Savings and Liquidity preference-Money supply) and AD-AS (Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply) models provide a framework for understanding the causes of inflation from different macroeconomic perspectives. Here’s how inflation can be explained using these two models:

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4 weeks ago


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