
Hi, Welcome to dimasmukhlas.com; I want to introduce you to my newest project, preset to researchers. Happy to have you here! 

Without further ado, enjoy my newest daily podcast! However, we will directly discuss a very hot economic topic nowadays! And well, it's my interest as well! Macroprudential policy! 



Intro of Preset

Preset is a common word used in design. That means the designer uses the previous knowledge and work to catalyze their next work. The question is, can we have preset in the research? The answer is yes. And I will show you how.  
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How to prepare panel data in Stata

This is maybe my first milestone in making a preset. It was the night that I wanted to remind myself in the future. How I prepare panel data. It has become a phenomenon where so many people watch it and feel helped with it. So I am so proud to put it as my first preset. 
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How to deal with unbalanced panel data

One of the biggest pains in the research test is if it has unbalanced data. Unbalance data means That the data for each variable or time is unequal. It can create errors, such as biased results and anomalies. Therefore in this preset, I will show how to deal with it.  
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How to use if expression in Stata

If expression is one of the strongest expressions in programming or coding. This if expression can also be used to deal with specific criteria we want to find. Find how to use the if expression in Stata. 
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How Resilient Emerging Economies

Being resilient is one of the trademarks of Emerging economies during the Global Financial crisis. Emerging economies have shown their strength by keeping positive GDP growth and can converge the GDP growth trajectories to the pre-crisis rate. Find out also how and why in the article. 
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The Effectiveness of Macroprudential Policy in Indonesia's housing sector

I wrote this article with Prof. Marek Dąbrowski. We utilize the Structural Vector Auto regression to see whether the LTV shock affects and can mitigate the inflationary movement of housing prices in Indonesia. 
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Traveling with kids

Carpe diem - we work for travel or travel to work, the question as old as work for eating or otherwise. Well, work needs travel to boost and have a relaxed moment. Just to be more productive. Check our recommendation about places to visit for your energy boost.
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We are the citizens of the world. However, we also come from and raise in a different country. Every nation has its uniqueness, and as Dwight Howard said, we live for learning. Therefore it is better to learn and get some advantage for knowing the countries in the world that we living.
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Carpe diem - we work for travel or travel to work, the question as old as work for eating or otherwise. Well, work needs travel to boost and have a relaxed moment. Just to be more productive. Check our recommendation about places to visit for your energy boost.
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Do what excited you

We are the citizens of the world. However, we also come from and raise in a different country. Every nation has its uniqueness, and as Dwight Howard said, we live for learning. Therefore it is better to learn and get some advantage for knowing the countries in the world that we are living.
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Economic tips

Carpe diem - we work for travel or travel to work, the question as old as work for eating or otherwise. Well, work needs travel to boost and have a relaxed moment. Just to be more productive. Check our recommendation about places to visit for your energy boost.
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We are the citizens of the world. However, we also come from and raise in a different country. Every nation has its uniqueness, and as Dwight Howard said, we live for learning. Therefore it is better to learn and get some advantage for knowing the countries in the world that we live in.
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The title is How to give a content feel to your day!

And below is one of my conference talks.

As you have already arrived here. You already got my name, yep it's Dimas Mukhlas. I am a startup enthusiast that has a full-time job as a father and a husband. I love writing, especially if the topic triggered my interest. My interests are in 

  • Machine learning
  • Food
  • Traveling 
  • Stock Market
  • SEO 
  • Community building 
  • Apps 
  • Coworking space 
  • Bee Gees 
  • Basketball
  • Parenting
  • Skoda
  • Drawing or sketching

Outside of that, I would not have the idea to talk about. 

Once again. Welcome to my site and enjoy the content! 


Dimas Mukhlas Widiantoro

Find me on Linkedin

What else



Carpe diem - we work for travel or travel to work, the question as old as work for eating or otherwise. Well, work needs travel to boost and have relaxed moment. Just to be more productive. Check our recommendation about places to visit for your energy boost.
424 Shares 4 Comments


We are the citizen of the world. However, we also come from and raise in a different country. Every nation has its uniqueness, and as Dwight Howard said, we live for learning. Therefore it better to learn and get some advantage for knowing the countries in the world that we living.
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