Park Legowsi - Łęgowksi - Krakow with children - 52 parks in a year


Every new spot is a unique gift that is not open yet. Wrapped, and you feel happy and enjoy it when you explore it! Simply like opening a new box of presents under the Christmas tree!

Yes, that is at least what I found when I visit the park Legowski or Łęgowski in Krakow, Poland. 


The place part Legowski is just next to Wisla river. It's close to Mogilski park, which is also lovely for walking and biking. 

Road for walk

The road for walking with kids is excellent, as seen in this video.

Road for bike

That's what I like about this spot. East for kids and save for riding a bicycle.

Attraction for kids

check out this

check out this

check out this

check out this

check out this

check out this

check out this

The attraction at least

Puzzle or memory games for kids 


The park is nice and lovely! I recommend visiting it! 

Currently unrated



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