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PhD Journey Day 11 - Hello cointegration and unit root my old friend

It turns out after 7 years did not dig the topic about panel cointegration, now I have to come back and see them. Especially when one of the papers that I refer using the VECM or vector error correction model. 

PhD Chapter - better safe than sorry - paper review

PhD Journey Day 10 - Redefining the model

After long fight with what supposed to appear in my article, now I understand about and how to do the research. Especially in collecting all the material before even writing it! 

PhD Chapter - Apa itu Unit Root

Mengingat kembali apa itu pengertian dari Unit Root

PhD Journey Day 9 - Sunday and re reading the last paper submitted

Well, it turns out, one of the hardest moments from writing a PhD, especially after a long break, is remembering which part you left them. For example, it takes more than a week for me to fully remember all the subjects and ideas. Especially about the paper. Now after a week full of focus, now I focus on come back to the paper. 


22nd Jul- 2020, by: Editor in Chief
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20 Oct- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
524 Shares 4 Comments
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20Aug- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
524 Shares 4 Comments
10Aug- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
424 Shares 4 Comments
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10Aug- 2015, by: Editor in Chief
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