
I attempt to explain the full picture of world phenomena regarding several topics.

We can start with crises, where researchers often divide them into economic and financial crises.

Then, we can delve into the specific types of financial crises. Economic crisis topics might also be intriguing!

Economic Crises

What is it?

What is economic crisis

Economic crises are different from financial crises. Let's see what they are.
Category of economic crises

How to prepare panel data in Stata

Economic crises come in different forms and can be viewed differently.

How to deal with unbalanced panel data

Unbalanced data can cause biased results and anomalies. Learn how to handle it in this preset.

How to use if expression in Stata

The "if" expression is powerful in programming. Learn how to use it in Stata.

Financial Crises


What is financial crisis?

Emerging economies have shown resilience during the Global Financial Crisis. Discover how and why.

What is the Global Financial Crisis of 2008?

The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 had profound effects on the world economy. Learn more about it here.


Sekolah doktor itu bukan hukuman! Yuk atur waktumu!

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Kenapa sekolah PhD butuh waktu lama!?

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Meaning of 45 degree in economics chart

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