week 5 Finance with Python


Week 5: Financial Analysis and Reporting

Learning Material:

  • Day 1: Financial Statement Analysis

    • Objective: Understand financial statements and how to analyze them.
    • Topics: Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, and financial ratios.
  • Day 2: Financial Ratios in Python

    • Objective: Calculate and analyze financial ratios using Python.
    • Topics: Key financial ratios, Python libraries for financial analysis.
    • Code Example: Calculating financial ratios in Python.
# Example: Calculate the current ratio current_assets = 500000 current_liabilities = 300000 current_ratio = current_assets / current_liabilities print(f"Current Ratio: {current_ratio:.2f}")
  • Day 3: Financial Reporting in Python
    • Objective: Learn how to create financial reports and dashboards in Python.
    • Topics: Data visualization in Python, report creation, and visualization libraries.
    • Code Example: Creating a basic financial report in Python.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Example: Create a bar chart categories = ["Category A", "Category B", "Category C"] values = [50, 30, 70] plt.bar(categories, values) plt.xlabel("Categories") plt.ylabel("Values") plt.title("Financial Report") plt.show()
  • Day 4: Monte Carlo Simulation for Finance
    • Objective: Understand the use of Monte Carlo simulation in finance.
    • Topics: Monte Carlo simulation, Python libraries for simulation.
    • Code Example: Performing a basic Monte Carlo simulation in Python.
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Example: Simulate stock price using Monte Carlo initial_price = 100 volatility = 0.2 time_horizon = 252 daily_returns = np.random.normal(0, volatility / np.sqrt(time_horizon), time_horizon) price_path = initial_price * np.exp(np.cumsum(daily_returns)) plt.plot(price_path) plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylabel("Price") plt.title("Monte Carlo Simulation of Stock Price") plt.show()
  • Day 5: Exercise
    • Objective: Perform financial statement analysis, calculate financial ratios, create financial reports, and simulate financial scenarios using Python.

Note: Week 5 focuses on financial analysis, reporting, and Monte Carlo simulation with Python.

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20Aug- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
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