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Welcome to my python course

Hi, welcome to my Python course. 

Before I started talking about Python, let me share my motivation, why I made this course. I am an amateur investor and I need a wider broad of the data related to my investment. As an amateur investor, I face a different situation every day. This running data gave not only gives me a challenge, but also a huge curiosity of finding its pattern. Therefore I started this course for my self. However, I am also open if the course will give some benefit to anyone who also interested in learning about investment. 

Profil Negara Tajikistan

Profil Negara Tajikistan – Tajikistan adalah sebuah negara terkurung daratan yang terletak di benua Asia bagian Tengah. Negara yang secara astronomisnya terletak diantara 36°-41° LU dan 67°-75°BT ini berbatasan dengan China (Tiongkok) di sebelah timur, Uzbekistan di sebelah barat, Afganistan di sebelah selatan dan berbatasan dengan Kirgizstan di utara. Sekitar 50% wilayah Tajikistan adalah daratan yang berketinggian diatas 3000 meter diatas permukaan laut. Ibukota Tajikistan adalah kota Dushanbe.

8 most powerfull food that boost your stamina

Recently I got back to my tracks in playing basketball and get fun with it. And I can really feel that I lost almost all my power in running, catching the ball, jumping, and even running. The question is, all of the issue come from the energy. In the past its very easy for me to keep running and running. I remember when I was 17, playing in very big court of football is very ok for me. And its fun! I dont remember again how fun it was.

Iphone xi release date, rumor, and specs

Our mock-up of how the new iPhone might look.

The iPhone 11 launch is a matter of days away, and as we edge closes and closer to the September 10 launch new iPhone leaks and rumors continue to spill out.

Mengungkap cerita desa penari - cerita horor

Media sosial tengah ramai membahas tentang kisah horor kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) di Desa Penari yang di-posting di akun @SimpleMan baru-baru ini.


22nd Jul- 2020, by: Editor in Chief
524 Shares 4 Comments
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20 Oct- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
524 Shares 4 Comments
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20Aug- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
524 Shares 4 Comments
10Aug- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
424 Shares 4 Comments
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10Aug- 2015, by: Editor in Chief
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Sekolah doktor itu bukan hukuman! Yuk atur waktumu!

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2 days, 12 hours ago

Kenapa sekolah PhD butuh waktu lama!?

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Kali ini kita akan bahas kenapa sekolah PhD itu lama! Tanpa panjang lebar, berikut cara ngeles gw! Maksudnya berikut alasannya! Hope its relate with you!

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2 days, 12 hours ago

Using Vertex AI for zero one and two three AI prediction

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Here is my documentation after learning the introduction of AI in courserERA.

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2 weeks, 5 days ago

Neural network with API for pre-trained API

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The Cloud Natural Language API lets you extract entities from text, perform sentiment and syntactic analysis, and classify text into categories.

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3 weeks ago

what is null result

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Null result in economic is when the output does not supporting your hypothesis

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3 weeks, 2 days ago

Big Query in Google cloud - the first small step to become solution architect

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3 weeks, 2 days ago

Fixing the issue in assumption of OLS step by step or one by one

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Hi, I want to raise the issue related to know whether your OLS is ok or not. 

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1 month, 2 weeks ago

Meaning of 45 degree in economics chart

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The **45-degree line** in economics and geometry refers to a line where the values on the x-axis and y-axis are equal at every point. It typically has a slope of 1, meaning that for every unit increase along the horizontal axis (x), there is an equal unit increase along the vertical axis (y). Here are a couple of contexts where the 45-degree line is significant:

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2 months, 3 weeks ago

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