Things to avoid in the morning


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Whether we realize it or not, we usually always open the phone when we wake up. And believe me; it's not a good idea. Why? Because your brain and mind are not ready for what is going on. You wake up and try to compile your soul into one place, and suddenly you open your email with all these ads (especially valentine's). 

So there are a couple of things that can make people happy and motivated in the morning. For me, the thing that makes me happy is cleaning. Kids are always the biggest donator for me to clean up the house. 

Another thing that is fun to do in the morning is to find the stuff you have been waiting and looking for so long. This term is my end point from my pen. 

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now let's ask chat GPT
what his recommendation is about activity in the morning when we wake up. 
what is your recommendation related to activities when you wake up in the morning?
It depends on personal preferences, but here are some activities that are commonly recommended
for the morning:
  1. Hydrate: Drink a glass of water to rehydrate after sleeping.
  2. Exercise: Engage in physical activity, such as stretching or a light workout, 
  3. to help increase energy and boost your mood.
  4. Eat a healthy breakfast: Fuel your body with nutritious food to start your day on the right foot.
  5. Practice mindfulness: Take a few minutes to meditate, practice deep breathing, or simply
  6.  sit and enjoy the silence.
  7. Get some natural light: Spending time outside or in a well-lit room can help regulate
  8.  your circadian rhythm and improve your mood.
  9. Plan your day: Take a few minutes to set goals and prioritize tasks for the day ahead.
Remember, listening to your body and choosing activities that work best for you is essential.
If you're not a morning person, starting with simple activities and gradually adding more
can help you get into a morning routine.

Wow! ChatGPT you are my advisor now!

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to start my day. As I was getting ready, I started thinking about the things I should avoid in the morning to ensure that I have a productive and stress-free day.

The first thing I realized was that I should avoid hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock. It's tempting to get a few more minutes of sleep, but it only makes me feel more groggy and disoriented when I finally wake up. So, I made a commitment to myself to get up as soon as my alarm goes off, no matter how tempting it is to hit snooze.

Another thing I should avoid is checking my phone first thing in the morning. It's easy to get caught up in social media, emails, or text messages, but it's not a productive use of my time. Instead, I want to focus on my own thoughts and goals for the day, so I can set a positive tone for the day ahead.

I also realized that I should avoid skipping breakfast. It's easy to feel rushed in the morning and think that I can skip breakfast, but it's important to fuel my body and give myself the energy I need to tackle the day. So, I made sure to take the time to prepare a healthy breakfast and sit down to eat it, so I can start my day feeling nourished and energized.

Finally, I should avoid rushing out the door without taking a few moments for myself. It's important to take a few deep breaths, stretch, and set an intention for the day ahead. By taking these few moments for myself, I can set a positive tone for the day and feel more focused and grounded.

Overall, I realized that there are a few things I should avoid in the morning to ensure that I have a productive and stress-free day. By setting these intentions for myself, I am confident that I can start my day on the right foot and make the most out of every moment.

Until next time,

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