
Viewing posts tagged resilient

How resilient and countercyclical the emerging economies during the Global Financial Crisis 2008


22nd Jul- 2020, by: Editor in Chief
524 Shares 4 Comments
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20 Oct- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
524 Shares 4 Comments
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20Aug- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
524 Shares 4 Comments
10Aug- 2019, by: Editor in Chief
424 Shares 4 Comments
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10Aug- 2015, by: Editor in Chief
424 Shares 4 Comments

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Defining better the equation between unemployement and national output part 2

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Let’s break down the equation \( u = 1 - \frac{Y}{L} \) in a very simple way.

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13 hours, 8 minutes ago

Understanding the equation where unemployment is related with the national output

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Let's break down the steps of this calculation in a way that’s easier to understand, like explaining it step-by-step for someone who’s learning algebra or basic economics.

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13 hours, 9 minutes ago

Npm vs new weberian

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Certainly! The New Public Management (NPM) and the New Weberian State (NWS) approaches represent two distinct models of public administration, each with different emphases and strategies for managing the public sector. Here are the key differences between them:

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2 weeks, 5 days ago

Graph shows interest rate and housing in US

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Here is the combined graph showing both the US Housing Price Index and Interest Rates from 2000 to 2024. The blue line represents the Housing Price Index, while the red line shows the Interest Rates. This comparison illustrates how fluctuations in interest rates can relate to changes in housing prices over time.

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4 weeks, 1 day ago

Inflation and interest rate

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Yes, historically, low interest rates can contribute to the formation of economic bubbles, particularly in the housing market. Here's how:

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4 weeks, 1 day ago

What impacting inflation

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Inflation is influenced by a wide variety of factors that can broadly be categorized into demand-side, supply-side, and monetary factors. Here’s an overview of the key influences on inflation:

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4 weeks, 1 day ago

Model in explaining buble

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Certainly! Here's a comprehensive overview of the models that explain economic bubbles, including a conclusion on which models are most effective:

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4 weeks, 1 day ago

What impacting buble

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Economic bubbles occur when the prices of assets such as real estate, stocks, or commodities rise rapidly to levels far beyond their intrinsic value, typically driven by exuberant market behavior. Several factors can contribute to the formation and bursting of bubbles:

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4 weeks, 1 day ago

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