How to create a great content but comply with SEO - do not do keyword stuffing


We are going to talk some of the strategy in SEO that we should not do anymore.

Have you ever found this type of article? 

Taken from Alexa blog phrases. 

“If you’re looking for the best laptop bag, look no further. Our brand offers the best laptop bag that you could want for business or pleasure. With padding in our liners and a special pocket for your charger, this is the best laptop bag for travel or school.”

Keyword stuffing is one of the SEO tactics by adding more focus keywords than it should be. The purpose is to attract more search engine bot to prioritize our site more than the competitor. In the past, this strategy is working quite well. However, nowadays these strategies actually do more harm instead of good thing to the site. 

Some of the reason is 

1. The creator will more type and create content for a search engine bot instead of the reader. 

2. As the impact of this way of typing, your reader will have a bad experience in accessing and reading your site. 

Some of the strategy in keyword stuffing is (from Alexa blog again)

  • Unnecessarily repeating words or phrases
  • Adding words that are out of context
  • Inserting blocks of the same keyword
  • Using keywords that are not relevant to the topic of the page

Therefore we need to stop this action. And for the future, any project that is run will not use any more keywords stuffing. 

How to see if some page using keyword Stuffing

  1. The high keyword density, Keyword density is a formula to count how many focus keywords appear in comparison with the whole content, for example, if you write a 150-word article and repeat the focus keyword until 30 times, it made 30/150 = 20% percent of a high density of your keyword.
  2. When the reader hardly follows some topic. 
  3. When the reader does not see some content has relevancy with the focus content. For example content about poems and end up with the types of bear. 

How to alternate the keyword stuffing strategy 

Even though this strategy is bad and can end your site into the Google penalty, but there is some solutions that can give a better impact. 

  1. Use the keyword in the header. Most of the site now has a feature to create a great structure of the site by making some phrases as the headline. Putting the keyword there will help the search engine in finding your site. Beside header here is also some other alternative to writing your keyword.
      • Page title
      • At least one subheading
      • Title tag
      • Meta description
      • At least one image alt tag
      • First paragraph
      • Near the conclusion of the post
  2. Write more than 300 words. Having quite long content, and good content definitely will reduce the keyword density and its great tactic to improve your ranking and satisfy your audience. 

Thanks for reading this article and hopefully in the future there will be no more project that wrote in the strategy of keyword stuffing.

Current rating: 5



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